mardi 4 mars 2008

Here we go !


my name is Jean-Marie Gilliot. I work in an Engineering school in Brittany (west of France, Europe). My first speciality is Computer science. Additionally, I am involved in Project Based Learning, as we think that developping engineer skills requires rich, complex, multdisciplinary, intercultural situations. As support for blended learning, we also use Moodle platform.

Three main reasons decide me to attend OER course :
  • First, I think that learning projects, as defined in wikiversity, are definitely a rich situation to progress on a subject, I wanted to try this kind of course for a long. This is my first online social constructivist learning experience . Attending such a course as simple participant is rather comfortable. Unfortunately, french wikiversity doesn't offer such opportunities up to know.
  • Second, we currently have internally a collaborative work on pedagogical/educational resources. Our main questions turn around what is a high quality educational resource and in what extent collaborative resources may help us to achive such high standards. I think OER course will help to answer those questions.
  • Third, I have a close look on web2.0 and collaborative tools, and I try to include them in my everyday practice and in my colleague's practices (see my other blogs, in french : Treklearning dedicated to an mobile learning initiative for our students, and Pedatic dedicated to my educational/ technological watch.

4 commentaires:

Erkan Yilmaz a dit…

Salut Jean-Marie,

nice to meet you.

>Unfortunately, french wikiversity doesn't offer such opportunities up to know.
Did you ask in French Wikiversity (if someone would be interested to create something if not existent) ? e.g. dans La salle café I will point someone from there to here. See you in the next 9 weeks during the course.

Bye for now,

Jean-Marie Gilliot a dit…

reply to Erkan :
I am afraid I am the one who asked in La salle Café.
No reply up to now.

Erkan Yilmaz a dit…

Bonsoir Jean-Marie,

you have now a reply dans dans "la salle café": I hope this is the begin of something new :-)


Jean-Marie Gilliot a dit…

You're right Erkan !